
This imprint was last updated on 24 oktober 2023.

The owner of this website is:

Jac & Co B.V. BV
Aalbos 4, 1721PL Broek op Langedijk
Phone number: 06-30399639

The legal representative(s) of Jac & Co B.V. BV:

Jacco de Boer

1. General

1.1 We are registered at Kamer van Koophandel under the license or registration number:


We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution procedures before a consumer arbitration board.

2. The following information is mandatory according to German law.

aangepaste openingstijden

Week 30 van 23-27 juli alleen op afspraak
Week 31 van 29 juli - 5 augustus gesloten i.v.m. vakantie
Week 32 van 6-10 augustus alleen op afspraak